Sam Walton is a good example

President Trump is being lambasted because of his practice of Twitting his thoughts. All the “experts” say he should stop the practice. One pundit remarked that he has to understand his Twitts become documents in the public record. Did it ever dawn of them that his Twitter practice is precisely that; unvarnished and unfiltered statements he wants understood. To an old-timer like me, that’s the way it used to be. Example.

When Sam Walton started Walmart he instituted the Walmart “no questions asked return policy.” As Walmart expanded and more stores were added the store managers were modifying the return policy. Sam Walton didn’t like that.  So, the story is told that at a company-wide store managers meeting, Sam Walton did this, and they say it did happen.

He told the store managers that he wanted to clarify his return policy. Sam Walton opened up a box containing a new toaster. He dropped it on the stage floor. Picked it up, looked at the audience of managers and said, “Refund it, no questions asked.” Words to that effect. How much clearer could have Sam Walton instruction been?

Donald Trump comes from the world of Sam Walton. Enough said.